Health & Safety Policy
Kirkbymoorside Bowling Club (KMSBC) Health and Safety Policy
Published March 2023
Review every AGM
Health and Safety (H&S) statement
1. Introduction
KMSBC recognises its responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work legislation to:
- Provide and maintain a safe clubhouse and green, safe equipment and a safe environment for its members and guests
- Ensure hazards are identified and reported to the clubs committee
- Provide information, instruction and training as is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment
- Promote awareness of health and safety and encourage best practice to all members
- Ensure the club take appropriate protective and preventative measures
- Ensure there is access to competent advice
- Ensure this policy is reviewed and monitored annually as an agenda point at the clubs AGM
2. Organisation and responsibilities
The responsibility for ensuring that the club is compliant with H&S legislation is the responsibility of the committee
A pre-season risk assessment to identify and eliminate/mitigate any risks will take place in April of each year before the new season commences.
In addition, the club will appoint a member to draw the committee’s attention to any risks/hazards or where mitigating action has been insufficient.
3. The risks
KMSBC is a small club relying on volunteers however, H&S law requires that where people work as volunteers on a regular basis they should, for the purposes of the Act, be treated as employees.
The following areas in the club associated with these volunteers should be closely monitored:
- Fire
- Trips/slips/falls
- Electricity
- Chemicals
- Food safety
- First aid
- Vulnerable people
4. Measures to mitigate risks
- Fire
Fire extinguishers to be inspected annually
- Electricity
Portable electrical equipment is to be inspected annually
- Chemicals
Chemicals and fertilizers should be stored under lock and key
- Machinery
All machinery is kept fully maintained and regularly serviced. First time users of machinery should be trained and initially supervised by experienced operators
- Food safety
Kitchen facilities are maintained to a high standard and members are aware of food hygiene requirements
- First aid
A first aid box is provided and regularly checked. A defibrillator is positioned by the main gate and contact details are clearly marked.
- Vulnerable members
The club has a safeguarding officer. The officer’s contact details are clearly displayed.
5. Record keeping
- Equipment manuals and instructions are kept
- An accident book is available/used
6. Information
A copy of this statement is displayed on the clubs notice board and members are asked to familiarise themselves with it. Members are asked to bring to the attention of the committee and H&S concerns they have.